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You know how you get up in the morning, run your business and sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have days when you feel like giving up? Sometimes you know exactly what to do and other times you feel like everything is spinning out of control?

Coffee with Charlinda is me having coffee with my business... and you! It's a quick 5-minute discussion on business - a boardroom pep talk if you like.

Power chat topics could include: Business models, customers, value propositions, marketing channels, social media, affiliate marketing, money, automation, strategy, partners, personnel, revenue streams, key activities, resources, costs, targets and so much more.

You are welcome to recommend topics too! Or send me a question that I can explore in chat. 

Think if it this way... If you had a business consultant that you could ask anything of - every day - what would you you ask? What would you like to know? What would you like to change in your business? 


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