10 Keys to Freedom | A 10 Day Program 

A 10 Day intensive exploration of the Access Consciousness© 10 Keys to Freedom tools

What will the 10 Day program look like?

10 Days of Intensive Exploration of the 10 Keys

My Image

2 Daily Calls

A Daily Worksheet

Clearing Loop

An Evening Activation

The 10 Keys to Freedom are a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have greater awareness about yourself, your life, this reality and beyond. With greater awareness you can begin creating the life you’ve always known was possible but haven’t yet achieved.

People have used these Ten Keys to get over depression, lack of money, relationship issues, body problems and many other situations that have seemed insurmountable.

Seekers from Around the World

It is extremely rare to come across someone who gives so generously and who expects nothing in return. Charlinda Byrd is that phenomenal person. She has selflessly introduced me to the wonderment that are the access tools and inspires me to greater heights as well as provided me with opportunities to grow professionally as well as spiritually. And always willing to assist you with whatever it is that you ask...You just need to ask!!!

Thanusha - South Africa

Just to let you know what a amazing contribution you are to my world! And a Fantastical Facilitador!!

Adriana - Brazil

You really are amazing and have something truly special and I thank you for that. 

Debi O'Brien - United Kingdom

What Will You Get From The Program?

Charlinda Byrd


An an entrepreneur, show host, author and overall disruptor, my target is to be a leader and inspiration in my own life and business.  

How lucky am I to, whilst on this journey create real value for you by sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create and have a business that works for you? What I know for sure is that this world requires you. 

Are you willing to be the inspiration it requires?

Destroy your limiting Points of View

Maintain a space of freedom, no matter what you are doing and no matter where you are

Get out of ruts and stuck places in your life

Embody a totally different way of being in the world - a way of being you, that includes all of you, all of your capacities and all of the possibilities you've always wanted to explore, with absolutely no judgment

Discover the energetic limitations that have been holding you back and clear them completely

Finally change the situations and areas of your life that have seemed impossible to change - until now!

Live fully in the present moment and in total allowance of everyone and everything

Be unaffected by the trauma and drama of this reality

Get happier than you ever thought possible

Get The 10 Keys To Freedom Now & Start Being Free

Buy the 10 Day Program Now for Only


For our fellow South Africans, you can now pay in Rand [Snapscan]

Finally change the situations and areas of your life that have seemed impossible to change - until now!

Discover the energetic limitations that have been holding you back and clear them completely

Get out of ruts and stuck places in your life

Live fully in the present moment

Be unaffected by the trauma and drama of this reality